I adored this book! It was long but I soaked it up, and wished the epilogue had been even longer. Hayden is such an endearing character, I was rooting for her from page 1; another character I wish I could be friends with. And Sam. We don’t get her perspective but we learn a lot about her through Hayden. I loved the way Benson played with perception, and how first impressions can be so wrong without context. I also liked the way the author handled Sam’s family, and Hayden’s sexuality. Hayden’s 4-year-old nephew is a gem – the soccer scenes made me laugh out loud. This book gave me Those Who Wait (Haley Cass) vibes, which is one of my favorite romances. This was such a pleasure to read. Highly recommend!

Favorite quote: “You never came out once, like people seemed to believe. It was every time you met someone, for any sexuality that wasn’t straight.”

Short summary: Short on cash, Hayden answers a Craigslist ad to get fake married. She’s shocked to learn the ad was placed by none other than cold, rude Dr. Samantha Thomson from the very hospital where Hayden works as a nurse. What could possibly go wrong…

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Who’d Have Thought
by G Benson