This book had some good moments but overall it missed the mark for me. There was too clear a delineation between butch/femme gender roles. Butch women are strong, funny, womanizing…”bros.” Femme women are pretty, emotional, and like clothing. I think we’re all more complex and nuanced than that. Apart from that, Clio seemed really immature for being 3,000 years old, and like she was struggling to find herself, which doesn’t seem realistic for a 3,000 yo muse of history and virtue, which I guess was the point but didn’t work for me. Also, I did not buy the chemistry/relationship. They didn’t seem like they respected or liked each other, so I can understand a drunken mistake one night but not the falling in love part. On the plus side, there were some interesting historical and art nuggets. The author was smart to use this setup to explore some more in-depth themes.

Short summary: Clio and Kit each headline their own failing show. Their producers pair them together in attempt to spice things up. There’s an opposites-attract between the two women and things heat up as they start to see the other in action.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books. ARC exchanged for an honest review.

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Vision of Virtue
by Brey Willows