I was up and down with this one. Ups- I love Lee Winter’s writing, Olivia is a great character, I liked the use of journal entries for Margaret, the idea of a henchperson is hilarious, great troupe of sidekicks, and creative revenge plots. Downs, didn’t love the use of idiot as a pet name, I didn’t totally understand Margaret though liked her acerbic wit, and the last 15% read like an extended epilogue. I understood their dynamic but the chemistry wasn’t all the way there. Cute idea though and quirky- I bet a lot of people will enjoy it.

Short summary: Olivia has had it with being treated poorly but she doesn’t have a conniving bone in her body, so she hires a henchperson (enter ice queen Margaret) to help her exact revenge on her exes.

Thanks to Netgalley and Ylva. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Vengeance Planning for Amateurs
by Lee Winter