Sinclair excels at exploring morally ambiguous situations. The story is an age gap ice queen trope and a slowwwww burn but it’s not angsty. There’s a heavy dose of interiority throughout and we only get Jules’ perspective, but it works because the character is so quirky. I liked Jules’ character and watching her grapple with her situation. It was tough to read in some parts because their relationship kept almost tipping into unhealthy control, and the lack of respect around the word “No” was iffy- but fiction is supposed to engage with these issues and I think it’s helpful to watch an MC walk that line and figure out what’s right for her. There were also a couple loose ends, but the biggest issue for me was that the attraction felt like it came out of nowhere, so I had a hard time believing their chemistry until a really interesting twist that sucked me in and carried through the end. So glad there’s a book two!

Short summary: loosely based on the Devil Wears Prada, but if Miranda were pregnant, and her assistant had a thing for her.

Thanks to Ylva Publishing. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Truth and Measure
by Roslyn Sinclair