There are lots of things to love about this book. It made me want to visit (move to?!) a small town in Vermont. The Adventurers were so charming, and I especially loved Carter (definitely hoping Alex gets her own book). The reference to Covid felt apt without dampening anything. The characters were lovely and I enjoyed how they made space for each other as they were but also pushed each other. The chemistry and romance was there. The story kept me reading. But….something was missing. Some things felt repetitive and I wanted more show than tell. The tension was a little less than I prefer, and the stakes felt low. But if you’re looking for a sweet story that’s low angst, this will be a very enjoyable read! If you want slightly more, check out Cover Story by the same author, who will always be an autobuy for me since her book Read Between the Lines was my first real introduction to sapphic romance!

Short summary: Diana’s middle name should be Determined. Whatever she sets her mind to, she achieves. Except for a pesky hike that goes awry but luckily into the capable hands of a beautiful stranger. Things get complicated when Diana discovers that woman is the granddaughter of the owners of the hotel she’s trying to buy.

Thank you to the author. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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The View from the Top
by Rachel Lacey