I flew through this one too. Somehow Jensen managed to write two enemies-to-lovers books with the same characters..very impressive. Book 2 picks up right where Book 1 left off, which was great since that was such a cliffhanger. I loved the political intrigue, the captures and rescues, all the escapes by a hair’s breadth. The only thing I wanted more of was Lara’s sisters, and I hope they’ll return later. There were a few too many coincidences that saved the day for me to give it 5 stars, but they didn’t detract from the page-turning plot enough to slow me down. Lara is the true heroine of this book. I loved her fierce loyalty to Ithicana and her love for Aren. She’ll stay with me. Book 2 felt like a natural ending, so I’m not sure where she’ll take Book 3, but I can’t wait to find out (I’m guessing Keris and Zarrah)!

Short summary: Lara is the perceived traitor queen of Ithicana, and the kingdom is in dire straights. But Lara is determined to right her wrongs and protect the land she loves. First, she needs to find a way to free Aren from her father’s clutches inside an impenetrable fortress. So, she searches for her sisters for help, and so begins Book 2.

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The Traitor Queen
by Danielle L. Jensen