This book is so good…’we’ll have to come up with a better word for ‘good’’…phenomenal. I loved the voiciness of the main character, the pacing and the banter. And Katherine Center always brings the depth. I liked how perfectly grumpy/sunshine the characters were. Is there such thing as an Ice King? Charlie’s it. There were a few moments I wanted slightly more resolution on, but they’re easy to overlook because it was such a fun romp. And also kind of meta and, of course, well-written. Queer rep: gay side character. Low steam

Short summary: Emma has spent the last ten years doing nothing but taking care of her father so when her agent calls with a proposal to rewrite her icon’s screenplay - in LA, it’s not only exhilarating but also terrifying. She can’t say no. He’s a legend. And a grump. But a legend! Who doesn’t believe in love, hence his terrible attempt at a rom-com. But Emma, who’s obsessed with romances, is up to the task. At least, she thinks she is…

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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The Rom-Commers
by Katherine Center