In many ways I’m the perfect reader for this book- I love wine and food, I’m in Europe in some the places described while reading, I love thinking about gender and reading about sex. And I am all for a second chance epic love story. There is a lot to like here. Theo is a unique character and McQuiston is masterful with description. But was all too much for me, too literary not enough plot. At first, the sex felt desperate..which it was supposed to but it was kind of sad- and maybe that was the point. Then it morphed into a romance that was sumptuous and torturous. Maybe this book was too raw for me but a lot of it felt self indulgent- foodie, historical, and travel porn. Strong Call Me By Your Name vibes. It picked up 50% of the way through and as I said- plenty to admire in the writing and the purity of the characters’ love for each other, but at the end of the day, could’ve been paired down quite a bit. Rating this was tough- 3.5 rounded to 4 for the writing, research, and love that pours through these characters.

Short summary: Theo and Kit broke up 4 years ago on their way to a European food/wine tour and haven’t spoken since. Now’s their last chance to cash in and they’ve both signed on. How will they handle 3 weeks together? A sex bet…that’s how.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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The Pairing
by Casey McQuiston