This book was captivating from the jump. It’s so creative and thoughtful. I loved the fresh spin on Sodom and Gomorrah exegesis. The story gripped me and kept me turning pages for the first half- it’s fresh and high tension. The second half, not so much. It was too long, too much exposition, too much of the author’s opinion. It’s an opinion I tend to agree with but in the end, it’s belabored. So this is 3.5 rounded up for creativity. Queer rep: two of the main characters are lesbians, and a third is non-binary.

Short summary: The future of the world is dire. And mostly in the hands of 3 tech billionaires. A few well-positioned souls band together to attempt to save it. If they don’t succeed, humanity ends as we know it…

Thanks to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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The Future
by Naomi Alderman