I felt a bit misled by this book. The title, the cover and summary all led me to think it would be about a woman falling in love with another woman. While there’s a bit of that, it’s really a journey of self discovery and identity. In that respect, it’s pretty good but not what I signed up for. The flashbacks/timeline were a bit of a challenge to keep straight. And, Edi’s first time with a woman wasn’t believable to me. This is a woman who talks and overthinks everything yet after being intimate with a woman, there’s no real commentary on how she feels about it or how the sex was etc. instead she’s concerned how her friends will take it…her friends who are super feminists and one of whom is an out lesbian. It didn’t track for me. One thing I did love was her friend group – in many ways, the focus on her friendships was refreshing. There were too many of them but it was a fun, energetic dynamic. Overall, I would only recommend this if you’re looking for a story of self discovery.

Short Summary: Edi and Rowan have been together since grade school. After proposing, Rowan suggests they take 3 months and explore being with other people since they’ve only ever been with each other. Edi reluctantly says yes and embarks on a journey to determine who she is and what and who she wants.

Thanks to Netgalley and HQ. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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The Break Up
by Charlotte Barnes