I’ve read a few pop star books and this one takes the Grammy. I loved almost everything about it. It’s a book where the words fall away as you get lost in the story. The chemistry was fire, Eden’s journey was handled so purely, and the ending was chef’s kiss. Both characters are well developed and I liked how they brought each other up. The drama felt a little overly dramatized to me but paled in comparison to the wonderful build up of romance. It’s one of those books where I raced to the end to find out what happened but then was so sad it was over because I want to stay in their world. Highly recommend this one.

Short summary: Eden is in a slump and can’t believe her only way up is with the help of a young pop star. Anna’s little fan girl heart can’t believe her long-time idol has invited her on tour. She’ll just have to keep her crush to herself since Eden is straight. Except the way Eden starts looking at her does not feel platonic…

Thanks to Netgalley and Montlake. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Stars Collide
by Rachel Lacey