Spoiler ahead

The premise of this book intrigued me, but it didn’t quite pan out the way I hoped. The best part of the story for me was 7-year-old Parker, and AJ’s (and AJ’s sister’s) relationship with her. The two biggest issues I had with the book were that there were WAY too many coincidences (AJ literally saving Mel's life, AJ being the artist in Mel's home, Mel being autistic too, I could go on...) sprinkled throughout the novel, and the way Parker warms to Melanie especially when she calls her "mama" felt much too fast/familiar to be true.

I do think Morley portrayed being a mom really well – balancing the joys with the real challenges, especially with an autistic daughter. I also liked the way she handled the financial differences in their relationship, and the side characters were really fun.

Short Summary: Paramedic AJ is just trying to make ends meet for her and her daughter. She doesn’t have time for anything beyond work and parenting, certainly not a certain frosty actress she keeps running into. But a chance encounter brings them closer together and AJ finds herself drawn to Melanie in a way she can no longer ignore.

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Sprinkled in the Stars
by Violet Morley