This book was all over the place for me- one minute I couldn’t put it down and the next I didn’t want to pick it up. The premise was really interesting, and the characters were great- especially the side ones. Love Fizzy! My main issue was that feelings- high and low- happened way too fast. The saving grace of the book for me was the epilogue - it evoked tears!

Short summary: Jess is a single mom struggling to make ends meet, wishing she were less alone. When her gregarious best friend and romance writer, Fizzy, ropes Jess into submitting DNA for a new dating site that pairs people based on their match percentage at a DNA-basis, the last thing Jess expects is to receive a “Diamond” pairing..the highest the site offers. Even less so when she discovers her match is none other than the brooding, rude, though handsome, man she sees every day in her coffee shop. Is the math right or are some things beyond destiny?

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The Soulmate Equation
by Christina Lauren