This book was not for me. It looked like a fun concept, but read like YA and not in a good way. The MC was very immature and never improves. She’s not a good friend and basically uses people. There is a lot of bi-panic that I didn’t think was handled well. It is well written though and the steamy scenes are 🔥. But, the beginning was too long, there wasn’t enough tension and the MC was too unlikeable.

Short summary: Luna wants to be a cinematographer but is stuck in a menial job with an abusive boss. When celebrity Valeria takes an interest in Luna, Luna sees an opportunity to work on a film and maybe get her first girlfriend. Will she get everything she wants?

Thanks to Netgalley and Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage, and Anchor. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Sizzle Reel
by Carlyn Greenwald