This one was slow to start but had a strong finish. It’s got a great cast of friends, and is a lovely found family and finding yourself story. I don’t think it was billed as YA, or maybe I missed that but it definitely read that way to me. Low/no steam, a lot of angst and bad communication plus bad decisions with a major need to come into one’s own. But it’s all explained and makes sense for the MC. Also no bipanic which was nice. The banter between the friends and international cast of characters was really well done. And, I loved Dan and thought the author handled his neurodiversity well. Overall, I’m not sure where to land on this one; higher if categorized as YA. If you’re looking for a freshman college coming of age narrative this is a good one.

Short summary: Luce has left a bad family situation behind to save herself. She lands at uni in a rural town far from home and starts over. But leaving her sister with their alcoholic mother haunts her and her new friendships and relationship. Can she live with herself and her decisions, and if she tells anyone will they still be her friends?

Thanks to Ylva Publishing. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Reaction Time
by Emily O’Beirne