This book surprised me in a good way. It took me a few chapters to get into it but once I got a feel for the quirkiness, I was hooked. I laughed out loud at numerous points. I did not understand the relationship at all because we hardly learn anything about Bridget, but it almost doesn’t matter because it’s all about Emma who’s oddly hilarious. Also, Polly might be my favorite sidekick character. The dialogue was sharp and witty. Really well done, especially considering this is a debut.

Favorite line: “Well, you know what’s not a good color on you? Peer pressure.”

Short summary: when Emma takes a job in her local government district, the last thing she expects is to fall for her aloof, possibly straight boss.

Thanks to Netgalley and Ylva Publishing. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Perks of Office
by Liz Rain