This book surprised me in a good way. It’s an odd premise for YA, which made me skeptical. But I love “the bachelor” themed books. This one is a bachelor style dating show where the suitor dates his exes looking for the one that got away. The characters are 18-20 which helps and the tone is more new adult though they’re not in college yet. I thought the banter was witty and the pacing great. The MCs voices and personalities are different enough. The author handles the romance beats really skillfully. The only thing I wanted a little more from was the chemistry and the epilogue, but as it stands it’s entertaining and kept me turning the page throughout.

Short summary: Cheated on, dumped, and gaslit, Maya never wants to see Jordy again. Until she’s given a chance that might lead to revenge. But then she meets Skye, the girl he cheated with, and they’re forced to share a room..and well, you can guess the rest. Or can you?

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Never Ever Getting Back Together
by Sophie Gonzales