CHEMISTRY! And steam and wit and sass. This debut is so well-written - I was taking notes! Had a really hard time putting this one down. The author did a tremendous job weaving in a discussion of coming out in a religious (Catholic) environment and the trauma/ripple effect it can cause. There were moments that definitely made me teary. The book was a beautiful ode to teachers and coaches as well. There were times when Jillian’s fire felt like a lot but the author did a great job explaining her psychology, and Mattie was the perfect balance. I pretty much loved everything about this one- strong contender for favorite sapphic romance of the year!

Short summary: Mattie’s a divorced and failed actress who moves back home to teach for a year as she gets back on her feet. From the day she arrives at the school, Jillian is cold to her but Mattie won’t go down without a fight and the more she pushes back, the more she’s fired up.

Thanks to Netgalley and Ylva. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Loser of the Year
by Carrie Byrd