I loved Payback’s a Witch, so I was excited to read the 4th installment of the series. Unfortunately this one was an entirely different vibe. It was a slog. The beginning was slow and long. But the hardest was the MC, who didn’t have many (any?) redeeming qualities and basically whined the whole book. And for someone who’s supposedly very closed off was oddly instantly and fully trusting of a (presumably dangerous) stranger. Neither character was particularly redeemable, I didn’t believe the romance, and I missed the hustle and bustle of Thistle Grove’s tight community feel that we got in Book 1. Wasn’t a fan.

Short summary: When Delilah casts a spell to repair her memory, she accidentally unleashes a cascade of baddies. An attractive stranger shows up to help her and Delilah feels she has no choice but to trust her as she defends herself and her town.

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In Charm’s Way
by Lana Harper