Spoiler ahead

This is a tough one for me to review because it was almost DNF after 20% but I pushed on because of the ARC. I had a really hard time getting into the story but at about 75% things began to click, and I found myself almost in tears, which bumped it from 2 to 3 stars. No one was more shocked than me at that but Ty's accident really hit me. On the whole, the MC, Skyler, seemed immature and very dramatic. It’s first person POV so that’s even more exaggerated and I had a really hard time connecting with her. We don’t get Carrie’s perspective and I couldn't understand why she’s attracted to Skyler. A lot of Skyler’s reactions felt overly exaggerated without the plot supporting it. For instance, in the beginning she references Carrie hazing her - which is a really strong word for the few shady glances Carrie threw her way. Because of Skyler's abandonment issues with her mom, I understood why she felt betrayed by Carrie leaving but Carrie was very clear about wanting to be together and planning to visit so Skyler's reaction didn't add up. Also, in those scenes, Skyler came across as really selfish and I was annoyed that in the end she got her way - didn't seem like a lot of growth there. I really liked Carrie but could not understand why she would throw herself at Skyler apart from good sex. Their relationship didn't make sense to me.

A couple plot holes - we never learn why Carrie goes cold after a misunderstanding in the beginning, and the tension with Skyler's mother is never resolved or remarked on. It's also suggested that Skyler is prone to panic attacks but we don't learn why and they don't play out in a way that carefully handles such a serious condition. The Epilogue is sweet, but again I couldn't identify with Carrie's feelings for Skyler, who continued to seem very immature.

There were some shining moments – there are great side characters, but overall, it felt forced. Unless you’re a fan of the author, I would skip this one.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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by Melissa Brayden