This book has that magic that made me unable to put it down, despite it containing my least favorite tropes- touch her and die, and instalove. Tessa Bailey nailed both. The intensity was there and the chemistry was palpable. The only thing I didn’t buy was their reason for holding back, which felt contrived. I also wanted a deeper dive into the life of a harpist, and a hockey player. Ultimately, I feel mixed about this because their relationship seemed largely toxic, supposed taboo aside, and somehow also very nurturing. It made me think and I loved how it was written. Queer rep: side character is a lesbian.
Short summary: Sig meets the love of his life an hour before learning she’s set to be his step-sister. Drama ensues…
Thanks to Avon and Harper Voyager and Netgalley. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
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