Ooh Haley Cass, she’s done it again. Masterful character development so you are yearninggggg for these women to be together. We don’t even get Mia’s perspective yet we know so much about her. Both women are almost too good to be true, each giving the other the space they think they need. Needless to say, this is a SLOW burn. And over a surprisingly long period of time- months and sometimes years seemed to jump by. There were some copy editing errors, and overall I wanted just a bit more from the story but then again it kept me up late turning the pages, rooting for Ellie and Mia. Definitely a worthwhile read.

Short summary: Ellie is a straight PhD student comfortable with her quiet, friendless, studious, organized life. When Mia inserts herself as a best friend, Ellie finds herself wanting to spend more and more time with her, until she realizes she’s not straight at all.

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Down to a Science
by Haley Cass