This book gave me everything I wanted! It picks right up where Truth and Measure leaves off and closes all the loops. It’s not a stand alone book- definitely is the second half of T&M. I liked that Roslyn Sinclair explored a different power dynamic here. Where the first book was an employee/boss relationship this was more about balancing personalities, time and finances. And sex. So much sex. It’s almost gratuitous but the way Roslyn writes makes it appropriate for the story. In a way, this book reminded me a lot of The X Ingredient but better. Even though we only get Jules’ POV, we learn a lot about Vivian, and it’s impressive how distinct her voice is. The ending was satisfying and I only wish we had gotten more of the dynamic shown there. Maybe she’ll write a book 3??

Short summary: we pick up right where we left off in Truth & Measure. Vivian and Jules have agreed to date and are no longer working together. Now they have to make time to see each other and navigate what the world will think if they come out publicly together. Plus there’s the baby to consider…

Thanks to Ylva Publishing. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Above All Things
by Roslyn Sinclair