If this book was as much fun to write as it was to read, then Elle Spencer had a blast. Some things were a little too coincidental, and there were some loose ends, but on the whole, it had me grinning. Even though it’s a slow burn (but somehow also "insta"), it didn’t feel angsty, and the anticipation was sexy. The characters are both firecrackers, and I loved their witty banter. I was impressed that the dialogue kept pace throughout the book. There’s even a nod to Casting Lacey- wish that had been more drawn out since I loved that book too. Overall, I had trouble putting this one down- definitely recommend!

Short summary: When Bridget’s gregarious, Olympian father dies and leaves his ski lodge to her, she has no choice but to fill his big shoes, which includes keeping a rivalry at bay with his angry neighbor. Needless to say that she’s shocked when the neighbor’s daughter shows up in his stead and is not only gorgeous but kind…so unlike her dad. Their chemistry is undeniable, though Bridget puts up a good fight. What will happen when family secrets are revealed that threaten everything?

Thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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A Long Way to Fall
by Elle Spencer