I’m so glad I stuck with this one- the second half really picks up, and I did not see the end coming, much like in Book 1, which is always a treat! It did take me a while to get into the story - I thought the beginning could have been much shorter. I also wish there were some queer characters! I enjoyed these characters much more than Book 1, though and thought Feyre really came into her own. I can see why everyone loves this one and am looking forward to Book 3.

Short Summary: Feyre is getting used to her new body and life but the closer she tries to get to Tamlin, the more controlling he is. When Rhysand comes to collect on their bargain, Feyre starts to analyze her choices, question where she’s supposed to be, and who is the right person for her.

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A Court of Mist and Fury
by Sarah J. Maas